Body Shaming

Bekee Bernice
2 min readDec 8, 2022

“Look how fat you are, why are you so thin, you’ve added weight”. As simple as these words may sound, they can a scar a person for life.

Most times when people use such words on me and try make it sound like a joke or they care, I try to laugh it off, but deep down I get dispirited. Why did you have to tell me I’m fat or I added weight? I can clearly see that for myself and I don’t need a reminder.

I’ve struggled with trying to accept my body the way it is. Gotten upset when I wear clothes and my stomach is protruding. I’m not going to lie and say I’m finally at peace with my body because I’m not. Though I’m getting there.

I’ve thought about hitting the gym because I want to keep fit and build confidence. However, I’m beginning to come to terms with the fact I have a beautiful body, flat stomach or not.

So, you out there, don’t talk down on yourself, don’t let other talk down on you. When someone tries to body shame you by calling you “fat” or “thin”, look them in the face and tell them you love and appreciate your body whatever form it is.

As humans, let us watch words we speak to our friends, family, etc. because without realizing, you might hurt someone just by the words you speak.

